Our Friends
Rabbi and Hindy Newmark
$60,470 raised of $55,000
Henoch Y. Newmark
$7,030 raised of $6,800
Brittany Seidman
$5,166 raised of $5,500
Blumie Serebrowski
$4,422 raised of $4,225
Raven Hyman
$3,858 raised of $3,600
Eli & Daniella Vatch
$3,664 raised of $6,000
Menachem Zaks
$3,280 raised of $15,000
Moshe and Adina Green
$2,822 raised of $3,600
Yisroel and Bekka Levinson
$2,680 raised of $2,500
Raya Misyuk
$2,214 raised of $2,500
Yael Brenman
$1,817 raised of $3,600
Alexandra and Levi Herman
$1,782 raised of $3,600
Gennifer and Akiva Goldberg
$1,709 raised of $1,500
Ariella Hershkovich
$1,606 raised of $1,500
Yitti Brailofsky
$1,542 raised of $3,600
Racheli Weinstock
$1,478 raised of $2,000
Shayna Shlinger
$1,355 raised of $3,600
Nechama Stern
$1,326 raised of $1,500
Sarah Henya Becker and Rivka Lieberman
$1,225 raised of $1,200
Ariel and Itai Joseph
$1,220 raised of $2,500
Miriam Weintraub
$1,080 raised of $2,500
Sorala and Ashie Tesser
$1,071 raised of $2,500
$1,012 raised of $2,000
Yehudis Biegeleisen
$997 raised of $1,500
Leetal and Avi Newman
$928 raised of $2,500
Leah Zaks
$842 raised of $1,500
Hannah Friedman
$776 raised of $2,500
Omi and Tzipora
$758 raised of $1,800
Yo and Tzippy
$627 raised of $2,500
Hadassah Grawitzky
$516 raised of $1,000
Shmuel and Chelsea Goldmeier
$467 raised of $2,500
Sami Goldberg/ Maya Benson
$460 raised of $5,000
YIsroel and Devorah Blumberg
$430 raised of $1,200
Rhina Guritzky
$392 raised of $1,800
Esti Becker-Rubin
$369 raised of $3,600
Shiffy Greenberg
$349 raised of $1,300
jordyn guritzky
$334 raised of $1,500
Karrie Bandel
$330 raised of $2,000
Steven Panitch
$320 raised of $3,600
$312 raised of $2,500
Lakewood Batya
$288 raised of $2,500
Matti Addess
$280 raised of $1,500
Devora Friedman
$280 raised of $2,500
Ahuva Lisker
$266 raised of $2,000
Zelig and Leah Adler
$252 raised of $2,500
Marina Grinman
$234 raised of $1,200
Yehuda and Leah (Reich) Weinstein
$216 raised of $1,200
Sarah Yosopov
$154 raised of $2,500
Jenny Sabel
$125 raised of $2,500
Chana Monica
$123 raised of $3,600
Stella Abramov
$54 raised of $2,000
Yocheved Deutsch
$36 raised of $1,200
Avromi Lench
$21 raised of $3,600
Gloria Franco
$18 raised of $2,500
$18 raised of $1,200
The Berliner family!
$10 raised of $3,600
Sylvia H Alarcon
$0 raised of $3,600
Shari Benson
$0 raised of $3,600
Avraham and Huvi Boxer
$0 raised of $2,000
Ahuva Michael
$0 raised of $1,000